Monday, September 6, 2010


After the usual morning routine of wake up, press snooze, wake up for real, work out, shower, Facebook, and breakfast, my mom, Katie, and I decided to go to Myung-Dong on a whim. Myung-Dong is a place that's been famous for a long time for its shopping and food. Of course, now-a-days, it's full of tourists (mostly Japanese and Chinese), but it was still fun!

We went first to the largest Catholic church in Korea. We went inside and prayed for awhile, since we haven't been able to go to Mass every weekend lately.

We then hit the streets to explore.

Since alot of the people there are tourists, the alot of the shop workers are fluent somewhat in Japanese and Chinese.

We found a yummy looking Japanese noodle restaurant. I ordered this spicy ramen, and it was delicious! (Although I like the Japanese noodles I had in Hawaii better)

Here's a view of the downtown. Look! There's me!

Afterwards, my mom went home earlier because she had to pick up Austin from kindergarten. Katie and I stayed out a bit more. We hit the make-up stores (mostly due to all the freebies they were giving out). I tried on eye-shadow, and it actually looked good! Lip-stain worked like a charm too =]

Katie and I stopped by a Pineapple Express smoothie from the Smoothie King. Mmhmm, good!

All in all, a great day to end Katie's summer vacation. Since online school starts for her now! Muahahahaha!


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