Saturday, April 3, 2010

Adventures on the Coast

Home at last.

Our trip to the coast wasn't the most relaxing vacation, but it was still super fun and stress-relieving.

We drove down on Tuesday, after spending Monday evening packing like crazy. We stopped by Portland to eat lunch, get our car fixed on some minor stuff at the Acura dealership, and buy korean food for the trip. Then we drove another two hours or so to Beverly Beach State Park, which is 5-10 min north of Newport.

We stayed in a yurt, which is basically like a hut/tent except is insulated, has a wooden floor, bunk bed and sofa bed, and a tent-like cover around it. It had electricity and a heater, which was definately a huge plus during this time of the year. After we unloaded, we had a lovely dinner of camp kimchee cheegue. We went to bed around 10-11, knowing that we'd have to get up around 6:30 AM to go clamming.

Clamming was torturous. We didn't have the rubber boots and gear, because last time we went in August, the cold feet was bearable. I guess late March is very different. My dad and I braved it out while Katie waited for us. We went barefoot in the wet sand. My dad actually lost one of his slippers to the sand because it was so squelchy! I caught clams by stepping around and feeling for hard lumps in the sand. I guess my feet could still feel stuff then. We caught around 50 clams, and trudged back to the car. On the way back to our yurt, my dad kept telling me to rub my feet because I might get frostbite. I honestly didn't care then, for I was so tired.

After a delicious lunch of ramen with freshly-caught clams, we headed out to the bayfront area in Newport to do some crabbing and shopping. We caught one small one and a big female one (which we had to let go). Apparently, crabs don't like to come in after the rain brings freshwater to the bay. Also, I discovered I like salt water taffies.

Because we didn't catch any crabs, we resolved to go crabbing at 1 AM that night. My dad, Katie, and I dressed warmly after a nap and drove back to Newport. Since there are a couple of bars and night clubs, we set the trap and waited in the car, where it was warm and drunk people couldn't get in. We caught about 10 crabs then.

On Thursday, after lunch at a delicious seafood place (which had the best clam chowder I've ever had) , we went crabbing again in the afternoon, but didn't catch any. Good thing we went at night, or we wouldn't have had anything to eat for dinner! We also went up to the light house and took pictures. I'll post them up here after I've had a chance to move them to the computer.

Friday was just plain hectic. As my parents were loading up the car, it started raining like crazy! We drove back to Portland, with our trunk stuffed full. At Portland, we did some shopping at the mall and Hmart. It was a very squished ride home, needless to say. We also went to YoCream and had some delicious frozen yogurt.

So I guess this trip was a great family adventure, full of tiring activities and good food. Its strange how such a tiring trip was a great stress reliever. Just being away from thoughts of school, college, clubs, and tennis helped.

On a side note, will I hear back from Harvard tomorrow? They sent out letters on Thursday (and emails to but I apparently opted out of that =/). Will I get in? Eh probably not. My dad found some statistics online today in a newspaper that said that about 30,000 applied, and only 2,100 or so people got in. Out of those 30000, 3600 were the top of their class and about 2100 of them made it. Is this a good thing for me, being top of my class? Who knows!

Good night. Maybe pictures and college news will be up tomorrow?

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